Monday, March 23, 2020

western civ day thirty-four


Philonicus the Thessalian brought the horse to King Philip and he tried to mount the horse but, Bucephalus was unmanageable and wild. Philip ordered to have the horse taken away because of his behavior. That is when Alexander stood up and said he could manage the horse better than anyone else and if he couldn't he would pay Philip the amount the horse cost. Alexander was able to mount the horse while the others couldn't mount him without getting bucked off. Alexander rode Bucephalus and the crowds laughs turned into clapping and excitement. Alexander found that Bucephalus was afraid of his own shadow. The kingdom felt that Alexander should be king because he was the only one that could ride Bucephalus. Bucephalus and Alexander were companions ever since and Alexander was the only one that could ride Bucephalus. Alexander rode Bucephalus into every battle until he was kidnapped after the defeat of Darius.  Alexander fought to find him until Bucephalus returned with a request for mercy. Most historians believe Bucephalus died of old age after the Battle of Hydaspes (326 BCE). Alexander named a city after Bucephalus in honor of their friendship.

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