Tuesday, March 10, 2020

western civ day twenty-six

Video Notes
  • Greeks laid the foundation for western civilization 
  • Greeks achievements shape our world
  • Heracles was a famous politician
  • Panamanian ruled the streets of Athens 
  • Cleisthenes born to be a ruler and save Athens 
    • Thought people should have own freedoms 
    • Born around 570 BC into one of the richest families- Alkamihoded
    • Taught that he was an aristocrat because he grew up that way 
    • Greedy family
    • Set Greece on the path for an. empire
  • 6th century BC aristocrats controlled everything in Athens
  • impossible to think this place would soon rule a huge empire
  • most houses made out of mud brick
  • Athens smelled terrible
  • No society of equality 
  • Greece used to be called Hellas
  • Athens was built around acropolis 
  • women spent their days in the house cooking cleaning etc
  • Reading and writing was a rare skill
  • life expectancy was under 15 years
  • the society was not equal and was ruled under the aristocrats
  • did not expect Greece to have an empire by the appearance
  • south of Greece was Egypt
  • to the east were the Persians
  • Greatest civilizations were based off rivers 
  • countless tiny nations called city states
  • over a thousand city states in Cleisthenes time
  • Each polis sought to maintain it's own independence and only some were successful
  • the Spartans every year caused war against the Helots
  • Legitament to kill a Helot because they were strong war-like fighters
  • Athenian potters were motivated by out doing each other
  • Hippiates became ruler and his brother died and he tortured many people
  • by Cleisthenes time the games were open to anyone
  • chariot racing, running, boxing
  • no real prize, just fame throughout Greece
  • homer wrote the Iliad and Odyssey about war 

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