Tuesday, March 31, 2020

western civ day thirty-seven


This time that we are going through is certainly hard for everyone. I find my family stressing over extended families health, unemployment, and social distancing due to COVID-19. I myself am fearful of the disease and it effecting my family. I see how it is very easy for students to just look up the answers or copy someone else's work because there are video games and other things to do in front of them. We are all going through this crisis together and I agree that we shouldn't let this bad situation become worse. I find myself waking up and pushing off the work because I would rather do other things and help my family. When I push it off so much, I don't have any motivation to do my day's worth of work and it makes the situation worse. I also recognize that some teachers are putting in 100's and they don't really check over the work as they would in school. This makes some students turn it in empty or not their best work because they would just get a 100. I do not like how everything is now essays and reading instead of the hands-on activities that we did in school that got me engaged and learning the material. I myself am trying to take advantage over this situation and use the schoolwork as something to do because I have been very bored lately. Some teachers give us loads of busy work and end up not grading it because they are overloaded as well which is unfair because we are spending lots of time on it. I needed your motivation because as this goes on my motivation for doing my work goes down and I end up pushing till later in the day when I am tired and can't do my best work. This is difficult on the students so I think some of the teachers should give a little more help when they decide to assign busy work on busy work. 

1 comment:

  1. Avery, you make some really good points. This is a tough situation for students and teachers, and there isn't really a playbook for any of us on the best way to do cyber school. All I ask is that you keep doing what you're doing: be patient, and stay on top of your work. I would also add that if you have any questions or problems, email me, and I will try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you, good luck, help take care of your family, and enjoy your break!
