Thursday, March 26, 2020

western civ day thirty-six

Compare the plague that hit Athens during the Peloponnesian War with COVID-19.

The plague that hit Athens brought fevers, violent coughs, vomiting, sneezing, throat and tongue irritation, the body broke out in ulcers and it made the patient hot to the touch. The plague was very contagious and spread rapidly. The effected couldn't sleep and were restless. The people usually died 7-9 days from the first day of symptoms. 7-9 days was when the peak of symptoms hit the person. There were doctors that attempted to cure and help the suffering the people but there was no treatment. The plague was new to Athens and it swept across Athens affecting many. If someone survived the plague they would be left with blindness, memory loss or other serious conditions. The Corona Virus brings a dry harsh cough, violent fever, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, digestive issues, and body aches which is similar to the plague. The symptoms usually last 2-14 days after exposure which is similar. The COVID is very contagious which is why we are told to social distance. The COVID is also a new disease which means we don't have a vaccine or cure to it yet. It is sweeping across the world currently with about 500,000 confirmed cases. The symptoms and lack of knowledge of the disease make the plague and corona virus similar. Both of the diseases swept across an area without a cure and wiped out thousands. 

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Avery, on this blog and all the work of the last two weeks!
