Friday, February 28, 2020

western civ day twenty-one

Page 139 Questions 1, 2, 3, 5

  1. Direct Democracy is a form of government in which citizens rule directly and not through representatives. Classical art is values of harmony, order, balance, and proportion. A tragedy is a serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal. Comedy has contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor. The Peloponnesian War was Athens vs Sparta- Athens had stronger navy and Sparta had a stronger Army. Philosophers are "lovers of wisdom". Socrates are critics of sophists. Plato is a student of socrates. Aristotle is a philosopher who questioned the nature of the world and of human belief. 
  2. Pericles increased the number of public officials who had paid salaries. This movement was the beginning of democracy and democracy still exists today so Pericles started a strong foundation. 
  3. He increased officials salaries so even the poorest citizen could serve as a leader/official 
  4. Because Socrates believed that "The unexamined life is not worth living". There was a lot of unexamined life back then so the people weren't living. Also, Socrates was brought to trial for corrupting the youth of Athens and neglecting the city's Gods. 

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