Tuesday, February 11, 2020

western civ day twelve

Warring City-States

Polis- the fundamental political unit in Ancient Greece
Acropolis- Agora, or marketplace, or on a fortified hilltop, people gather to discuss the cities gov't
Monarchy- single person ruled (king)
Aristocracy- a government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families
Oligarchy- a gov't ruled by a few powerful people
Tyrant- powerful people took control of the government
Democracy- ruled by the people
Helots- peasants forced to stay on the land they work on
Phalanx- most powerful fighting force in the ancient world
Persian War- between Greece and the Persian Empire- began in Ionia

  • Polis- city and it's countryside
  • Draco took power in 621 BC 
  • Solon and Clestenes 
  • ^^ above people worked together to form democracy
  • Athenian girls didn't attend school
  • Sons of the wealthy families were educated- around 7 years old they began school
  • Girls learned at home how to do work around the house
  • 725 BC- Sparta conquered Messenia
  • Had olympics for boys and girls 
  • Sparta splits off and creates a gov't with several branches
  • Sparta had the most powerful army in Greece- 600 until 371 BC
  • During Dorian Age, only rich could afford armor and weapons so only they fought in the armies 
  • 546 BC- Persians conquered Anatolia 
  • When the Athenians won the battle their home remained defenseless
  • Darius son, Xerxes, tried to crush Athens 
  • Greek city-states formed alliance called the Delian League
  • Athens became the leaders of the Delian League

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