Monday, February 10, 2020

western civ day eleven

Write the term and a sentence explaining its significance

The Mycenaean were people who settled on Greek mainland- came from Mycenae. The Trojan War was a 10 year war where the mycenaeans fought Troy (trading city in Anatolia). The Dorians moved into war torn countryside.  They were less advanced and spoke a dialect of Greek. Homer was the greatest story teller, he was also blind. A epic is a narrative poem celebrating heroic deeds- written between 750-700 BC. Myths are traditional stories about their gods. 

What impact did nearness to the sea have on the development of Greece?

The Sea shaped Greek civilization. The sea provided transportation and the Greeks began to trade across sea to get the materials that weren't available by them. The sea transportation provided jobs as sailors and the sailors became skilled at their job. 

What aspects of culture did the Mycenaeans adopt from the Minoans?

They adapted the value of seaborne trade and they also adopted their language and writing. Their culture was influenced and it impacted  their religious practice, art, politics, and literature. 

Why were the epics of importance to the Greeks of the Dorian period?

There was a lack of writing in the Dorian time period so the Greeks learned about their history and kept passing it down by the spoken word (epics)

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