Friday, May 8, 2020

western civ day fourty-nine

  • Etruscans settled Rome
    • Came from the north-central part of peninsula
    • Metalworkers, artists, and architects 
  • Two fundamental myths
    • Virgils Aeneid (where Aeneas escapes from Troy)
    • Story of Remus an Romulus 
  • Greeks also settled Rome
    • colonies around the Mediterranean Sea
  • Romans borrowed these ideas from the Greeks
    • religious beliefs
    • alphabet
    • art
    • military techniques and weaponry
  • Latins were the FIRST settlers
    • descendants of Indo-Europeans 
    • settled on the banks of the Tiber
    • trading ships could navigate as far as Rome
    • commercial port- not susceptible to attack
    • built on seven hills- Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal
  • Remus wanted Aventine
  • Romulus chose Palatine
  • Many streams flowed into the Tiber 
  • Marshy area called the Forum- between Palatine and Capitoline Hills
  • Tarquin the Proud's grandfather built the Cloaca Maxima (largest ancient drain), which channeled water into the Tiber
  • Constitution Avenue in D.C is located on what used to be Tiber Creek
  • Lucias Tarquinias Superbus
    • Seventh and final king of Rome
    • known as Tarquin the Proud
    • true tyrant, in the old and modern sense 

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