Monday, May 18, 2020

western civ day fifty-two

Civil War- conflict between groups within the same country
Julius Caesar- military man; strong leader and a genius at military strategy; served one year as consul; joined forces with Crassus
Triumvirate- a group of three rulers
Augustus- "exalted one"- title given to Octavian
Pax Romana- the period of peace and prosperity


  • As Rome grew, the gap between rich and poor grew wider
  • Landowners lived on large estates
  • Thousands of enslaved people
  • Small landowners (former soldiers) couldn't compete so they sold their land to the wealthy landowners and became homeless
  • Tiberius and Gaius tried to help Rome's poor by limiting the size of estates and giving it to the poor
  • Generals started recruiting their own soldiers to gain power for themselves
  • 58-50 BC Caesar led his legions in a campaign all over Gaul- won his people's loyalty and devotion
  • Successes in Gaul made him popular with the people of Rome 
  • Caesar's troops defeated Pompey's armies in Greece, Asia, Spain, and Egypt 
  • 44 B.C. he was appointed dictator for life 
  • Caesar granted Roman citizenship to many people 
    • Expanded the senate
    • Gave jobs to the poor
    • Increased pay for soldiers
    • Colonies of land where people without land could own
  • Feared he was gaining to much power so he was assassinated 
  • Civil war broke out after his assassination
  • Octavian- 18 year old grandnephew of Caesar- joined general Mark and took control of Rome for ten years
  • Octavian had the titles of Augustus and imperator- supreme military commander
  • 207 years there was peace throughout the empire- rule of Augustus
  • Augustus was Rome's ablest emperor
    • set up civil service- paid workers to maintain government 
    • glorified Rome
    • set up a government that survived for centuries
  • After he died the government he created maintained the stability of the nation
  • Agriculture was a big part in Rome- 90% farmed
  • Vast trading network
  • Most people in Rome lived in the countryside and worked on farms
  • Number of slaves reached 1/3 of the population 
  • Roman law stated that slaves were property of their owners
  • Government and religion were linked
  • Worshipped powerful spirits - numina 
  • Dieties- symbols of the state
  • Expected to honor them 
  • Social status was how you lived
  • Rich- spent lots of money on homes and gardens, etc
  • Most was poor- government supported with daily rations of grain
  • The colosseum held lots of large events
  • Christianity started to appear 
  • Early followers were met with lots of brutality

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