Tuesday, May 12, 2020

western civ day fifty

  • Tarquin seized power the old fashioned way
    • Tarquin's grandfather died
    • The grandfathers wife liked Servius Tullias more than her own kids so named him king
    • Servius's daughter marry two men (Tarquin and another)
    • One of the daughters (Tullia) kills her sister and husband which led her to marry Tarquin
    • Tullia tells Tarquin to take the throne from her father so he does and then orders her father to be assassinated
    • Tullia runs over he dads dead body with a carriage 
    • Tarquin assassinates senators who object 
    • Tarquin's son Sextus forces himself on Lucretia- she refuses and he threatens to kill her 
    • Lucretia gives into the blackmail and then ends up committing suicide 
    • Tarquin tried to hide it all but the poeple caught on and ordered him and his family out of Rome
  • The behavior of this family made the people of Rome never want to be ruled under a tyrant or king again

  • consuls are elected officials
  • term of office: one year 
  • always patricians
  • duties: dealing justice, making law, commanding the army
  • Rome and US 
    • Both had 3 branches- executive, legislative, and judicial 
    • Both have legal code
      • Executive- Rome- 2 consuls, 1 year terms, and controlled the military
      • Executive- US- President and VP, 4 year terms, and commander in chief of military
      • Legislative- Rome- 300 officials, aristocrats, members for life, and assemblies had 193 members 
      • Legislative- US- 100 senators, 6 year terms, and a house of representatives with 435 members 
      • Judicial- Rome- Praetors with one year terms
      • Judicial- US- supreme court, nine members, lifetime terms, and they were appointed by the president 
      • Legal code- Rome- Twelve Tables
      • Legal code- US- Bill of Rights

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