Wednesday, June 3, 2020

western civ day fifty-six


This Corona-cation is something to remember! For the last couple of weeks, we have been stuck at home doing online school for the rest of our freshmen year. There has been up and downs. Everything has been cancelled. Most stores and buildings have been closed unless they were deemed essential. We had a stay at home order so everyone had to quarantine for a couple of weeks. Every 2 weeks they would just push the date that we were going back to school further until it turned into not going back the rest of the year. When we left in March, after cleaning out our locker and saying bye, we never would have imagined not going back to school. Everyone has to wear a mask and its been about 3 months and things are just going back to Phase 1. You have to stay six feet from anyone and wear a mask everywhere you go unless its outside. Everything is closed! This is a very odd time and everyone is trying their best. It is hard to not see your friends and extended family. You don't realize how much social interaction impacts you until you cannot have any. I appreciate this time because I was taking school for granted and now that I do not go to school anymore I miss seeing my friends and teachers. I don't think life will be back to normal for a little while and certainly not this summer. I am excited for school to end but also I am upset because it gave me something to do everyday. I think that this summer is going to be very boring and won't really feel like summer. I am very excited for sophomore year and to go back to school and see everyone!

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