Friday, January 24, 2020

western civ day three

From Prehistory to Civilization 
  • Prehistoric means before writing 
  • 200,000 years ago a human species emerged in Central Africa
  • The earliest prehistoric age was referred to as the Paleolithic age
  • The Neolithic age was recognized by the advanced tool-making and beginnings of agriculture
  • In the fertile crescent, the people went from being hunter-gatherers to being permanent settlers and grew their own food
  • Farming caused a surplus if food and a surplus of food grew the population
  • The Sumerian women were caretakers so they moved down on the hierarchy because their only job was to watch the kids
  • They invented the wheel and plow and then it also helped to make a surplus of food
  • Villagers were polytheistic
  • Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Turkey are modern day countries that were apart of the Fertile Crescent 
  • Sumer was the land between the Tigris and Euphrates river
  • New towns were made in Sumer and some had up to 40,000 people in them
  • Food storage was invented and it created more job opportunities such as merchants, tradesman, etc
  • Kings emerged and city-states formed 
  • Sumerians invented the earliest form of writing called cuneiform 
  • Gods and goddesses were credited for the natural world 
  • World's first surviving "epic" was the "Epic of Gilgamesh" which was a big flood
  • Sumerians first developed the idea of time and divided time into 60 mins per hour and 60 secs per min
  • They also developed a calendar based on the moon's cycle 
  • Sumerians built ziggurats which were temples built on top of a "mountain" of Earth 

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