Tuesday, January 28, 2020

western civ day four


  • Fertile crescentis the regions curved shape and the richness of its land. It includes the land facing the Mediterranean Sea and Mesopotamia. 
  • Mesopotamiais greek, meaning "land between rivers" (between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers)
  • City- state- is each city and the surrounding land and they are independent countries.
  • dynasty- is a series of rulers from a single family 
  • Cultural diffusion- is a new idea or a product that spreads form one culture to another
  • Polytheism- is the belief in more than one GOD (Sumerians believed in Polytheism)
  • Empire- brings together several peoples, nations, or previously independent states under the control of one ruler
  • Hammurabi- ruled from1792 BC to 1750 BC. Put together a code of 282 laws called Hammurabi's code. Hammurabi's code was something that everyone lived by and followed or else they would be severely punished

  • Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey are the modern day countries that were apart of the fertile crescent
  • World's first surviving epic was the Epic of Gilgamesh
  • DISADVANTAGES: unpredictable flooding, periods of no rain, defenseless, and natural resources were limited/scarce
  • Tigris and Euphrates river surround the Fertile Crescent
  • Sumers invented cuneiform, arithmetic, geometry, and architectural innovations
  • Hammurabi created a set of 282 laws 
  • Hammurabi's code believed the punishment should fit the crime- eye for eye
5 key characteristics of Sumer
  • Advanced cities
  • Specialized workers
  • Complex institutions 
  • Record keeping
  • Technology

Notes we took today:
  • Wandering nomads drove herds of domesticated animals in many areas, especially to the south of Sumer in Arabia 
  • Sumer was conquered by Akkadians- 2350 BC- their Gods took the place of previous Gods and were forced to worship them
  • Hammurabi's code punished people that fit their crime
  • "Eye for eye" 

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