Thursday, April 30, 2020

western civ day fourty-five

The plebeians are the working class and the majority of the people. They have to work hard for everything they receive and nothing is just handed to them. The patricians inherit money and fame and "the name". The patricians only make up a small percent of the citizens. They are more of the politicians and lawyers. The plebeians do all the hard work and make everything for the patricians to get no respect from them. The patricians want everything for themselves and since they are the politicians they don't give the plebeians many rights. The greek definitions are; plebeians- the common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population. Patricians- wealthy landowners who held most of the power.  

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

western civ day fourty-four

Republic- a form of government in which power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders
Patricians- wealthy landowners who held most of the power
Plebeians- the common farmers, artisans, and merchants who made up the majority of the population
Tribune- representatives- protected the rights of the Plebeians from unfair acts of Patrician officials
Consuls- command the army and directed government- limited power- serve for one year
Senate- aristocratic branch- both legislative and administrative functions- influence over foreign and domestic policy
Dictator- a leader who had absolute power to make laws and command the army- power lasted 6 months- elected by Senate; chosen by consuls
Legions- large, organized unit of Roman soldiers
Punic Wars- 264- 146 BC- Rome and Carthage fought 3 wars
Hannibal- Carthinagin general- brilliant military strategist

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

western civ day fourty-three

My essay question would be this: Explain who Phillip II, Darius III, and Alexander the Great are and their relationships. In my first paragraph I would explain who Phillip II was and how he won many battles and how he had a lot of military knowledge which made him become a successful leader. Next, I would explain who Darius III was and how he took the throne in 336 B.C. For the third paragraph, I would explain who Alexander the great is and his relationship with Bucephalus and how he led his army through many battles until he became the King of Persia. Next, I would explain how Alexander the Great was the son of Phillip II and beat Darius to become the leader of Persia. For the final paragraph, I would put all the people together and reinstate their relationships.

Monday, April 20, 2020

western civ day fourty-two

What two types of drama did the ancient Greeks preform in the theaters?

a.) Comedy and Romance
b.) Tragedy and Romance
c.) Tragedy and Comedy
d.) Romance and Mystery

Who was Alexander the Great's beloved horse?

a.) Phillip
b.) Darius
c.) Corinth
d.) Bucephalus

What is/are the group(s) in Plato's ideal society?

a.) Producers
b.) Military
c.) Rulers
d.) All of the above

Which of the following is not an example of Greek architecture?

a.) Great Sphinx
b.) Parthenon
c.) Temple of Artemis
d.) Theatre of Apollo

Who tried but couldn't ride Bucephalus?

a.) Philonicus
b.) King Phillip
c.) Alexander 
d.) Darius

Thursday, April 16, 2020

western civ day fourty-one

1) How did Plato define The Forms?

Plato argues that beyond our imperfect world was a perfect unchanging world of forms. Forms are the ideal versions of the things and concepts we see around us. They serve as an instruction manual to our own world

2) Who are the three groups in Plato’s ideal society?

The three groups are producers, military, and the rulers.

3) What were Plato’s thoughts on women?

Women were equally able to rule. He was inconsistent because he likening them to children. Believed a women's womb was an animal and can wander around and create illness.

4) What was the Noble Lie that Plato proposed?

The Noble Lie was that we are all born with gold, silver or a mixture of brass and iron in our souls which determined our roles in life. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

western civ day fourty

Acrostic Poems 

Not new
Ionian sea

Roman empire




Battle of the Hydaspes

Alexander the Great
Unsung hero

Thursday, April 2, 2020

western civ day thrity-nine


Paestum | ancient city, Italy | Britannica
This is an ancient greek temple in Paestum which is near the coast of modern day Italy. Paestum is known to have many preserved Greek temples. The people did not go inside the temples unless they were bringing offerings to the statue. They worshipped outside and the temple was more meant to honor a statue. The rows of columns and triangular roofs were some of the key architecture.

This is the theatre and temple of Apollo at Delphi. This theatre is built further up the hill past the temple of Apollo. There are 35 rows that can accomodate up to five thousand people. The chorus preformed in the center space (orchestra). The actors preformed on the stage (skene). The underground tiered seating allowed everyone with a perfect view of the stage. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

western civ day thirty-eight


1.) The Greeks preformed 2 kinds of drama in the theaters of Ancient Greece. The first was tragedy and the second was comedy. Tragedy was a serious drama about common themes such as love, hate, war, or betrayal. Tragedy's usually have a main character or a tragic hero. A comedy contained scenes filled with slapstick situations and crude humor. Comedies often made fun of politics and respected people. 

2.) I have watched many comedic movies lately and they also seem to attack politics or make jokes about political or important leaders. In Ancient Greece, they also targeted respected leaders. They both contain a series of jokes that keep the audience laughing. There are many late night shows such as "Late Night with Seth Meyers" and "The Late Night Show with Jimmy Fallon" that target politics and make jokes about the political leaders such as Trump.

 Theatre at Segesta, restored (With images) | Ancient greek theatre ...
3.) A theatre was an outdoor arena with plenty of seating circled around a stage. The actors preformed on the center stage. The theatre's were generally underground and many people came to watch the plays.